Ready to rock? Get in touch with us today! We have a great selection of standard and custom guitars, plus some amazing stompboxes for you jamming pleasure.

Just fill out the form and we’ll help get your strums sounding perfect – let’s make sweet music together![two_thirds]

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    weissenborn guitar for sale australia

    Located in Perth Western Australia, Ellis Guitars has gained recongnition with both local and international musicians. ellis guitars is Australia’s premier guitar builder.

    “Guitars, Stompboxes and finely honed sense of the individual are what Andrew Ellis peddles. So why buy an Ellis Guitar? I think Nathan Gaunt sums it up best. ‘He’s very open to people’s ideas of what they want in a guitar, and he’s very clever in the way he adjusts the guitar to achieve the sounds that people are after. I think that’s what makes his work so desirable – he customises his work a little bit for everybody, and you get something that’s truely yours’.”
    Carlisle Rogers Australian Guitar Vol 55

    Let’s just get one thing out of the way right now – like so many others before me, I loved the Ellis Stompboxes almost immediately. I pride myself on having excellent time, and have often used a tambourine on the floor in a similar fashion to the Stompbox for acoustic gigs, so the idea appealed straight away. However, nothing is quite like the experience of hearing your beat come back to you as a bass thump that sounds impossibly large (and much more appropriate for the downbeat than a tambourine). I look forward to using the Ellis Stompbox a great deal more. While it’s primary role is obviously for solo performers playing live, I can imagine the sounds being useful in small ensembles, as well as in recording applications. While nothing can replace a kit drummer for complexity and the ability to describe numerous features of a rhythm concurrently, a lot of music requires so much less than that. With roots music being as popular as it is at the moment, you can expect to hear a lot more of the Ellis Stompbox in the future.”

    Craig White – Australian Guitar
